Analytics’2022, the first event of its kind in the analytical sciences, is being organised by four companies: Réseau Francophone de Métabolomique et de Fluxomique, Société Française de Protéomique, Société Française de Spectrométrie de Masse and Association Francophone des Sciences Séparatives.
This is the first edition of an interdisciplinary conference that brings together a wide variety of scientific fields. Researchers and the whole scientific community will have the opportunity to exchange in many fields and to deepen their knowledge around science and multiple measurement technologies. Many partners, sponsors of this congress, will present instruments and consumables for the preparation of samples for analysis. BCP is pleased to sponsor this conference and hopes to meet many delegates who will come to explain their research topics and share their needs in chromatography and mass spectrometry.
BCP is waiting for you on the booth nr 33. We look forward to these upcoming meetings.
Find out more about the Analytics 2022 programme.